On Mon, Feb 14, 2011, Paul Larson wrote:
Only if linaro-n-developer.tar.gz is a symlink to linrao-n-developer-tar-DATESTAMP-BUILDID.tar.gz. It is still useful to have some easy way to see which image we are pulling, even if it means pulling it out of the filename. Another alternative, would be if we could drop some buildstamp file in the image directory to pull this from.
I personally don't like DATESTAMP in the filename; it makes rsync-ing harder as a start, and it only helps with local tarballs, not installed images. I think you want some build-stamp information in the tarball itself, no matter what, so you can as well "tar vtf linaro-n-dev.tar.gz|grep build-stamp" or something. The date of the build is only one of the important pieces of information which we want to see at a glance about a build, so I'd rather not clutter filenames with it.
Another thought too... if we are already going to this extent to make it easier for people to stay up to date with the latest image, does it make sense to go ahead and enable creation of .zsync files for the images? Granted, these aren't nearly the size of an iso, but some of our folks with slower connections might appreciate it.
Good idea; there's also a request to consider .xz instead of .gz: https://bugs.launchpad.net/linaro-images/+bug/683849