Hi Michael,
That wiki page[1] gave me a good overview of the build service; I have only a couple questions.
Also, even though I didn't actually read most of the code, I saw some shell script to configure the build slave and I'm wondering if you think it'd be worth using something like puppet for that instead. The scripts seem small enough at this point, so it may not worth the effort at this point, but I'm sure they'll grow over time and we don't want to end up with a mess similar to the old l-m-c.
SCRIPT_NAME: Defines the name of the[...]
At first I thought it'd be nice to have a short description of the existing scripts here, but it looks like we only have the regular one and an extra for building with a custom toolchain, so maybe it's not neeeded?
To get your script into the branch used by the build system, submit a merge proposal to [...]
I guess that means the jenkins job created under the hoods will always use the tip of the build-tools branch, avoiding the need for a manual update?