20Mb Android build logs were never easy to parse, and with increasing number of builds we do, it becomes real chore. I had installing Jenkins Log Parser plugin (https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Log+Parser+Plugin) in my background queue (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/linaro-android/+spec/linaro-android-gradual...) for some time, and actually started deploying it few weeks ago, which uncovered some issue in the build frontend. Today I finally enabled it for all jobs (including future).
What changes this brings? At Jenkin's build page, e.g. https://android-build.linaro.org/jenkins/job/patrik-ryd_pandroid/57/ you'll see new section with error count, e.g. "1 errors, 0 warnings". Then by clicking "Parsed Console Output" link at the left, you can open parsed log:
, get list of errors, and easily navigate to their location in the complete build log.
Besides showing errors/warnings, there's also category for "info" messages, and example usage can be seen here: https://android-build.linaro.org/jenkins/job/linaro-android_leb-origen/51/pa... where it provides quick way to look up which gcc version was used for the build.
What is treated as error/warning/info is fully configured in the plugin using regexps. Current config is here: https://android-build.linaro.org/jenkins/userContent/android.parse/*view*/
That's pretty basic so far, and may miss some errors. So, if you'll see such case, or have an idea what would be useful to export as an info message, please let me know. I have bunch of ideas myself, which I'm going to pursue with background priority as part of the aforementioned blueprint.