So to say that the corporate world might need to consider Open Source to be competitive and survive, but the reverse is not true i.e. Open Source doesn't _require_ the corporate world to survive.
i agree with it fully, and to support this claim i want to remind the simple rule of capital accumulation. Open Source community _already_ accumulated enough _capital_ in form of algorithms, implementations, social relations, experience, documentation and augmentation with education system .
it can survive just fine without corporate world, while logical relationship with organisations whole main purpose of existence is creating profit, is to gain profit from such relationship itself. otherwise it would be bit like Faust would just give his soul away completely free... and everyone knows it's not the point while dealing with devil.
i also understand reluctance of some people about such deals - despite huge gains , one can loose very important things, and end up escaping from small print obligations. sometimes it is better to make slower, but steady progress instead.