2011/8/31 Mattias Backman mattias.backman@linaro.org:
On Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 8:28 AM, Alexjan Carraturo axjslack@gmail.com wrote:
2011/8/31 ZHANGYUZHENG yuzheng.zhang@tieto.com:
I see snowball uses the mali400 gpu. To enable hw 3D acceleration, i got the mali driver and android HAL source code from the ARM web site, but no mali DDK cause it uses commercial license. So how can I enable hw 3D acceleration on snowball for android? Is it in developing?
My problem it's before.... I would like to know how to buy a Snowball; I'm searching everywere but I can't find anything. Please, I know that my request it's hardly off topic, but, someone can help me to find a snowball board?
It seems that they are available for ordering now, although production is slow atm: http://igloocommunity.org/support/Buy_now
Thank you... I search on Igloo site on July, but didn't find that page. Perfect... I'll try to order that.
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-- Alexjan Carraturo -- Free Software User Group Italia administrator (http://www.fsugitalia.org) Fedora/OpenSUSE Ambassador member of FSFE Italian Team
Twitter/Facebook/Identica: axjslack Blog: http://axjslack.wordpress.com --
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