Sorry for the late response. Got some problems at work, and left this for some while. Now, I have been asigned back to it, and keeps the same.
I turned off power using ubuntu 11.10 method [ ] since that is the version used in the linaro image I got working.
Problem is that although it works for the most times, there are few cases in which screen goes black. If you reboot the board, it may work ok.
If possible, I would like to remain in the same version of linaro (I really hate finding new errors and realizing later that had been introduced by software updates, and not by my code...)
I had similar issues with a Beagle clone, and solved it messing with the kernel (disabling the function that made the screen go black) but I prefer not to do that kind of things... Probably because of my lack of confidence (I am not a software guy, just an electronics engineer who has been assigned to a software project...) I prefer to use regular kernels (I mean, not to modify anything).
I am using omap4-extras (Since my application plays videos -or tries to...- at 1080p). I am not really sure if this can have been introduced by this add-on, because I had it installed from the very beginning.
Linaro version is 11.11
Thanks in advance, and please forgive any mistakes in my text.
2012/1/29 nivr
Would you mind explaining how you disabled the power saving?
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