On 11/16/2011 06:15 AM, Dave Martin wrote:
I think for the table of links we do need an explanation of what each item is, though this should literally just be a few words.
Thanks for the feedback!
I've created a bug with all your comments[1]. I'd also like to point out the road-map I'm trying to put together[2]. I don't really disagree with anything you've said. However, I have to balance it with other feedback and direction I've gotten so we don't end up with this[3].
There are also some things there which would be fairly incomprehensible to a newcomer. What is "Cycles", for example? People also won't be able to guess what "Connect" refers to without laboriously reading the other text.
I would vote for removing all the links from the introductory paragraph -- the precence of links disrupts the readability of the text unnecessarily IMHO, and putting all the links into the table.
This is an interesting idea. I'm +1'ing it.
Could we also experiment with ordering the links so that the stuff for newcomers appears first, and the resources for developers come afterwards, perhaps in a separate table? We need to give newcomers a bit of extra help, because they're the people who will need it.
This is something I'm thinking more on and plan to improve. However, 4 of our most popular pages (Android, DevPlatform, Builds, Source) are in the top corner of the table.
On a more frivolous note, could we change the title to something like "Welcome to the Linaro Wiki"? This is friendlier, and helps to suggest that the site is for non-experts too. In practice, the wiki isn't just for developers, after all.
I think this might be more of a branding question. I'll have to ask.
1: https://bugs.launchpad.net/linaro-documentation/+bug/891218 2: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/linaro/+spec/linaro-general-fixing-wiki-madness 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeXAcwriid0