On 22 December 2010 20:39, Piotr Gluszenia Slawinski curious@bwv190.internetdsl.tpnet.pl wrote:
So to say that the corporate world might need to consider Open Source to be competitive and survive, but the reverse is not true i.e. Open Source doesn't _require_ the corporate world to survive.
i agree with it fully, and to support this claim i want to remind the simple rule of capital accumulation. Open Source community _already_ accumulated enough _capital_ in form of algorithms, implementations, social relations, experience, documentation and augmentation with education system .
I'm sorry you've got it all wrong. Survive? Yes, certainly. Actually thrive and make a difference in the world without the corporate world? Definitely not. If you only care about the former that's fine, but have no illusion that we would even be having this discussion here were it not for the corporate world caring about Linux on ARM.
survive, and serve. despite corporate entities, opensource projects do not just cease to exist once markets cut the profit down. this is where corporations loose big time in comparison to opensource.
thrive? come on, discussion starts about small, insignificant toys, and i repeat - insignificant toys. talking big about '3d in linux' as any priority sounds funny in world in which 99% of the tcp/ip routing is performed by opensource-based solutions, at both enterprise , and 'home' scale. while opensource display system has enough proprietary alternatives to choose from at low cost, point of developing it lies far beyond just cutting few pennies for ... toys. this can be done without opensource at all.
talking about opensource unable to survive without care of corporate world is also funny. current opensource politics allowed such growth thanx to proper politics when it came to dealing with corporate world. without opensource certain solutions would never propagate and become cost-effective to gain enough markets. so profit opensource gained from it is fair-earned, and comes from market itself, not from corporate world attitude. in other words - if certain corporations would not partake certain attitude, it would be done by other ones, or certain products would just never existed.
still _opensource_ would be same good as before, as notice development of certain algorithms and code was conducted in parallel, and also sponsored by university environments for solely research and educational purposes (to exclude any opensource-ideology driven motives) .
my 2 eurocents ;)