On 4 January 2012 18:18, Joey STANFORD joey@linaro.org wrote:
Hi Gang,
During some roadmapping work today the discussion of capturing and voting on ideas for Linaro came up. The idea was to possibly recreate a Linaro version of this
for everyone to contribute to. I'm looking for +1 and -1 feedback from folks about whether this would be useful (vs interesting).
I like brainstorm, though on the Ubuntu side I know it's been a struggle lately to maintain, keep moderators and idea reviewers. It's also my understanding that the code base is not being actively maintained though last month stgraber tracked down who maintains it (code base). Also we would need to insure that ideas are being reviewed by decision makers say at Linaro Connect and we either implement or close the ideas and let the submitter know we have acted on their idea and not let people think the ideas aren't being looked at. This was one of the main complaints on the Ubuntu side that no-one in a decision making role was looking at the ideas.
Cheers, Amber