+++ Steve Langasek [2011-01-31 12:18 -0800]:
So, the questions is - which of these is the correct fix:
- make dpkg-cross copy over symlinks even when they point into
/usr/share 2) make tcl8.5 put tclConfig.sh in /usr/lib/tcl8.5 instead of /usr/share/tcltk/tcl8.5 3) make sqlite (and similar packages) look in /usr/share/tcltk/tcl8.5 instead of /usr/lib/tcl8.5 when building
1+2: dpkg-cross should also copy over symlinks that point to /usr/share. When such symlinks exist, it's almost invariably because *something is looking for the information in that location*. So as a general policy, they should also be made available in a crossed package.
But if something is looking for arch-independent stuff in /lib then in general that's wrong, and I'm not aware of any examples of correctly-packaged packages that need this. Any arch-independent files will be supplied by an arch all package that the build should depend on if needed.
dpkg-cross has gone for 10 years without needing symlinks pointing into /usr/share, so I'm reluctant to add them without some evidence that it's actually correct. Its policy of only crossing arch-dependent files is the right one, I believe. (It does allow symlinks within /usr/src which presumably has/had a good reason.)