On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 8:07 AM, Jeremy Chang jeremy.chang@linaro.org wrote:
Same time, we could rethink the partition layout, Partition layout is wikied at https://wiki.linaro.org/Platform/Android/DevBoards. The original partition layout define is from https://bugs.launchpad.net/linaro-image-tools/+bug/724207
Regarding to the partition offset for our validation farm install, we may need to have two more partitions for testboot and testrootfs as Paul suggested and adjust the partition offset to fit better.
I think the sdcard partition should be vfat format instead of ext4, at least for now as I know, vold only supports vfat format.
For the hardcoded vold.fstab, somehow we need to modify the vold for using the "by-partition-name" way in vold.fstab and the init as well.
To me, vold.fstab is hardcoded so it's put under device/linaro/beagleboard,
For "by-name" way, I think it may could not be that urgent to support this, or we should just spend time and send a patch for this to AOSP.?
I don't want testboot and testrootfs partition to be on normal installs ... just in the validation farm. I would really prefer if we get by-name sent to AOSP asap. But I don't understand why by-name support would be less reasonable for vold than for init. Can you elaborate?