On 03/29/2012 12:58 PM, Ricardo Salveti wrote:
On Tue, Mar 27, 2012 at 10:37 AM, Ricardo Salveti ricardo.salveti@linaro.org wrote:
A little bit later than usual, but here it goes the announcement of the 12.03 RC images. This time we got a bit delayed because we're finally generating and maintaining all the kernel packages ourself, and getting them in sync with Launchpad is something that still needs some improvement.
This release should be the last one based on Ubuntu Oneiric (and ARMEL), including the latest XBMC release and the usual kernel and package updates. From 12.04 on we will be supporting only builds based on Ubuntu Precise (12.04, ARMHF), so we should see quite many nice improvements there (for early access, check the builds at https://ci.linaro.org/jenkins/view/Ubuntu%20Build%20Service/).
You can find our current test cases at https://wiki.linaro.org/Platform/QA/TestCases/Ubuntu, and the 12.03 RC builds (for all boards and image flavors) at http://snapshots.linaro.org/oneiric/, with build id 20120327-1 for hwpacks and 20120327-0 for the rootfs (nano, developer, alip, ubuntu-desktop and linaro-tv-xbmc).
For our main boards we also have a testing spreadsheet, were we publish the official release testing, done by the dev platform engineers. You can find the links at https://wiki.linaro.org/Platform/DevPlatform/Testing (note that you can find the bug reports from the test cases by looking at the QA page tag links).
Fathi will be coordinating all respin requests in the next following days at linaro-release m-l, and the final image will be published this thursday, at releases.linaro.org.
Ok, after a few rounds of testing, issues with ci.linaro.org and Launchpad, I'm finally able to publish the current status of the RC images, and the respin requests for tomorrow.
RC Images that worked as expected, without needing extra fixes:
- Ubuntu Desktop:
(1 as 0 didn't build due archive instabilities)
- Alip: http://snapshots.linaro.org/oneiric/linaro-o-alip/20120327/0/images/tar/
- Developer: http://snapshots.linaro.org/oneiric/linaro-o-developer/20120327/1/images/tar...
(1 as 0 didn't build due archive instabilities)
RC Hwpacks that also worked as expected, without needing extra fixes:
- 3.3 LT Snowball:
- 3.3 LT Vexpress A9:
- 3.3 Linux Linaro Pandaboard:
- 3.3 Linux Linaro Pandaboard X11 Base:
RC Hwpacks that weren't tested yet:
- 3.1 Linux Linaro EfikaMX:
- 3.1 Linux Linaro iMX51:
- 3.1 LT MX5: http://snapshots.linaro.org/oneiric/lt-mx5-oneiric/20120327/1/images/hwpack/
- 3.3 Linux Linaro Igep:
- 3.3 Linux Linaro Overo:
RC Hwpacks currently broken without a solution yet:
- 3.3 Linux Linaro Vexpress A9:
- 3.3 Linux Linaro Beagleboard (John Rigby is still debugging):
Respin request for images:
- LinaroTV-XBMC:
- Reason: Fixes at the XBMC package, update to the final 11 Eden release.
Respin requests for hwpacks:
- 3.2 LT MX6: http://snapshots.linaro.org/oneiric/lt-mx6-oneiric/20120329/1/images/hwpack/
- Reason: Fixes to improve the booting experience, but still not yet
fixing it completely :-(
- 3.1 LT Pandaboard:
- http://snapshots.linaro.org/oneiric/lt-panda-oneiric/20120329/0/images/hwpac...
- http://snapshots.linaro.org/oneiric/lt-panda-x11-base-oneiric/20120329/0/ima...
- Reason: Kernel updates, config updates and working hw video decoding again.
Status of Origen is missing in the list :(