Right now, it uses a headless image and has some, but not too much room for additional things to be installed. There is a possibility that we may, at some point, want to implement this master image in flas though. If that happens, it would likely be something like initramfs/busybox. For now, it is safe to assume that python is present on the master image, but try to keep the dependencies to a minimum. Now if you are talking about a client piece that runs in the booted image, that depends on the image we are using. Most would likely have python, but you would still need to keep it pretty thin. Not sure whether nano will once it is fully stripped down to a minimum. Android images are unlikely to have python at all.
-Paul Larson On Feb 17, 2011 5:24 AM, "Zygmunt Krynicki" zygmunt.krynicki@linaro.org wrote:
On 02/17/2011 11:28 AM, Spring Zhang wrote:
Hi, Paul,
For the python environment in the deployed test image, how much support will it provide? Can we deploy additional python libs to the test image if required? Dispatcher client part may need some.
What dependencies are you thinking of?
IMHO when the client is present on the device we can assume "normal" system and be okay with most dependencies.
Best regards ZK