Hi all,
Scott asked me to take a look at the hwpack spec:
I took the liberty of editing it somewhat to make the definition of a hardware pack clearer, and remove some contradiction in the implementation suggestions.
I have some questions about the goals of the spec though:
1. Do we support installing more than one hardware pack on an image? 2. What is the purpose of the hwpack.deb that is mentioned in places? 3. Do we want to be able to pull in new versions of a hwpack on request, or should it just be a case of updating the image, with a hwpack-install call if you want to install a newer version that pulls in new packages? 4. Do we want to support cross-installation in any way? 5. What are the use cases for tags? I can only see X/no X in the spec. 6. What are the use cases for support information?
There is also one larger question, which is that I disagree that we shouldn't provide anything that will go in a hardware pack in the linaro images. I think that having the images be useful by themselves has lots of benefits.
- Being able to quickly spin up an image in QEMU makes for easier testing. - Requiring a hardware pack for every operation will make some things more tedious. - If everything in a hardware pack becomes more consolidated then hardware packs probably become less useful.