The suggestions above sound plausible...
Does anyone know where the beagle installation instructions page went?
On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 5:32 AM, Steve Langasek wrote:
On Mon, Nov 08, 2010 at 02:11:18PM +1300, Michael Hope wrote:
(originally from Ira; she's having mail trouble for some reason)
I am trying to install my new BeagleBoard xM.
I started with, but it failed to write to the SD card giving some errors about QEMU (I can try that again if the error messages are important).
It's normal to get a lot of "undefined ioctl" messages... I don't know the background to this, but it doesn't indicate failure. If something else went wrong though, it could be useful if you can attach some log output...
Dave Martin also gave me this link, but it doesn't exist anymore.
I'm pretty sure the link was there before. Now I can't find any installation instructions page for Beagle at all. Does anyone know where it went (and why?)
So, I tried these instructions: with and (and --dev beagle). The installation of the SD card went ok, but the board doesn't work. During boot I see the printings as in the attached file and it doesn't go any further.
I hope someone can help me with that, because otherwise I am at dead end...
This looks like the system may have booted successfully, and then she's run into bug #652221. Does Alt+F2 pull up a login prompt?
I do recommend having a serial console hooked up somewhere for the beagles - that would sidestep bug #652221 in this case, and is generally useful for troubleshooting.
If you still get problems, it would be useful to see the whole boot log from the serial port.
Note that if you aren't able to connect the serial console for some reason, you can't log in at all on the headless image because root login is disabled and there are no normal user accounts.
You can temporarily work around this if needed by setting the root passwd field to empty in /etc/passwd:
(After logging in, you can use adduser, passwd etc. as you like)
Cheers ---Dave