У уто, 21. 08 2012. у 10:59 -0500, Zach Pfeffer пише:
It sounds like the proper solution would be to get some SSL certificates. These need not cost us anything if we got individual certs for each subdomain, but for the sake of $60 we could get a
to cover *.linaro.org and solve a lot of HTTPS warnings: https://www.startssl.com/?app=40
Danilo just did this for android-build. Danilo would this be possible for the other *.linaro.orgs?
The free cert we got is for a single host. I am unsure of GoDaddy's policies regarding multiple hosts and certs. Whoever was talking with them originally should check now as well (Joey? Steve?)
As for StartCOM certificates, I've shared my concerns already.
If people still want us to go with them, please note that I won't take responsibility for when their web site is down :)
Cheers, Danilo