In one of the build machines, I am getting following error [1] while building a qemu image with l-m-c using leb build for origen. The build fails only on this one machine.
Does anybody have a clue about what might be wrong with that build machine?
The build machine is a x86 based system running Ubuntu 11.04. If any specific information required, please let me know.
File "./linaro-image-tools/linaro-media-create", line 156, in <module> verified_files, *hwpacks) File "~/linaro-image-tools/linaro_image_tools/media_create/chroot_utils.py", line 64, in install_hwpacks install_hwpack(chroot_dir, hwpack_file, hwpack_force_yes or hwpack_verified) File "~/linaro-image-tools/linaro_image_tools/media_create/chroot_utils.py", line 85, in install_hwpack cmd_runner.run(args, as_root=True, chroot=chroot_dir).wait() File "~/linaro-image-tools/linaro_image_tools/cmd_runner.py", line 100, in wait raise SubcommandNonZeroReturnValue(self._my_args, returncode) linaro_image_tools.cmd_runner.SubcommandNonZeroReturnValue: Sub process "['chroot', '/tmp/tmpvZJf7s/binary', 'linaro-hwpack-install', '/hwpack_linaro-lt-origen_20110929-0_armel_supported.tar.gz']" returned a non-zero value: 100
[1] http://pastebin.com/AAcCTTi2