Hi Paul,
Since LTP is being used by Validation team, I would really like to link my effort with your team.
On Mon, May 02, 2011 at 07:30:39AM -0500, Paul Larson wrote:
http://validation.linaro.org/launch-control/dashboard/test-runs/fccb906e-730... the results from a recent run I did on panda in the validation lab. I do restrict the default set of tests in ltp to skip a few of the nastier IO
I'm seeing 'runltp -f syscalls' in ltp.py. So you are saying test set 'syscalls' is the default one?
ones that run ok on fast machines with sata disks, but on our dev boards just needlessly pound the sd cards, typically long enough to make you think the system is just completely unresponsive.
I noticed you have great experience with LTP, so you might be the right person to help me draft blueprint [1]. One thing unclear to me is the test scenario/set we should focus on. Is 'syscalls' good enough for us to address in 11.10 cycle?
[1] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/linux-linaro/+spec/linaro-kernel-o-ras-fix-...