Hello Arnd,
No, sorry for the confusion and not making this clear - I wrote the original mail as a follow-up to "Android Code Review" session, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/linaro-android/+spec/linaro-android-o-code-... http://summit.linaro.org/uds-o/meeting/linaro-android-o-code-review/ , where Arnd expression concerns which were discussed. I look at Gerrit from viewpoint of Android/Infrastructure team, and collect and appreciate feedback and usecases from wider audience.
Sorry for the late follow-up, too many things kept coming up at once in the last few weeks. Here is what I had in mind, tell me if I should add this to the blueprint or how else you want to proceed.
Thanks, I've added link to this in linaro-dev list archive to Android's blueprint, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/linaro-android/+spec/linaro-android-o-code-...
If there's a blueprint for kernel code review, I guess it makes sense to add it there too. (I also consider starting a wiki page with code review tools comparison/issues, I'll add it there to when I get to it)
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