On 04/02/2012 10:29 AM, Jon Medhurst (Tixy) wrote:
On Mon, 2012-04-02 at 08:37 -0700, John Stultz wrote:
On 03/31/2012 02:17 AM, Jon Medhurst (Tixy) wrote:
We almost certainly need board specific android and ubuntu fragments as well, so I'll add vexpress-android.conf and vexpress-ubuntu.conf as well. (Unless there is some magic to have conditional config options in a fragment?)
No, the config fragments are pretty simple, so there's no conditional logic in them. Your idea for a board-type.conf style split sounds like a fair idea. Although, I'm curious what would be an example of this?
There's often let's-just-get-it-working hacks produced, and sometimes you don't want to risk breaking other boards by putting things into a common config.
My example of this is http://android.git.linaro.org/gitweb?p=kernel/vexpress-a9.git%3Ba=commit%3Bh...
Of course, this could be an argument for not enabling such things. ;-)
Ok. Interesting. I can see how this sort of flexibility is useful. So I'm fine if folks want to add board-distro specific tweaks. Trying to find some more unified way of building might be necessary, so folks aren't having to customize things too drastically. Your directory method seems like would solve this, but I need to spend some more time understanding Andy's suggestion and understanding how it works with Andrey's centralized tree.
I recognize everyone has a different workflow here, and I do want to allow for flexibility. So it might be reasonable to start w/ the config dir that Tixy is suggesting, and only convert the build scripts for those boards using it. Leaving the others to use their own methods.
Ricardo, Zach: Do either of you have any thoughts feedback here?
thanks -john