On Tue, Oct 04, 2011 at 02:42:22PM +0300, Ilias Biris wrote:
- Decision on the multimedia content licenses is still pending - TSC to
provide guidance
This was approved today.
- libjpeg-turbo - oneiric upload, 11.09 natty version released to
ppa:linaro-maintainers/overlay, implemented and submitted upstream (Blueprint: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/libjpeg-turbo/+spec/engr-mm-codec-jpeg-libs...), benchmarking ltj with tjbench
Is there any optimization (or indeed implementation) work being done here by anyone in the MMWG itself (i.e. excluding Tom)?
- Studying dma-buf scatter list feature - useless on snowball - snowball
doesn't MMU on hw IP. Could use something like sg_is_last() or sg_is_chain() to say that there is only one piece of memory in the scatterlist, but the idea for using scatterlist is that the API should handle both cases - both devices that need contiguous and those that don't
That's correct -- even if Snowball lacks an IOMMU for the hardware codecs, it should be able to use CMA to get access to a contiguous area and the dma-buf API should work for it. Who is working on this?
- Testing dts decoder with gst-ffmpeg on panda and i.mx53 (mkv + dts 6ch)
Nice -- what are the results looking like?
Please feel free to ask any questions or let me know if you believe that something is missing
Can you get the requirement laundry list polished up a little bit and sent to the TSC for feedback if any topics there look worth pursuing further into requirements?