On Fri, 20 Aug 2010 19:15:31 -0300, Christian Robottom Reis kiko@canonical.com wrote:
I'm not sure I understand your question, though. Are you asking if packages could be excluded at hardware-pack install time or at creation time?
I mean at install time.
The only use case I have seen so far is --no-X. That's fine to support, we can just mark whether a package is X related in some way, and so exclude it if necessary.
I would like to know of any other use cases though.
One thing which is nice about tags is that it's clear what platforms are supported in which configurations. So you can look at board X and see ah, it has a no-X gstreamer hardware pack, but no X gstreamer pack, which means at the moment there's no X acceleration for it.
Using X to mean x.org and an arbitrary board is mighty confusing :-)
Your use case above implies some more tools than are currently in the spec. How much nicer is it than just seeing which packages are installed?