On 11 October 2011 13:08, Tom Gall tom.gall@linaro.org wrote:
Our oneiric based images and hwpacks are shaping up in advance of the 11.10 based release. Already you can download from http://snapshots.linaro.org/oneiric.
Some important things you'll want to be aware of.
We'll be upgrading the version of live-build that we use to generate our images very soon. (today? tomorrow?) When we do so, it'll change the format of the root file system tarballs. This unfortunately will also mean you'll need to obtain a latest greatest version of linaro-media-create otherwise linaro-media-create will fail.
The latest l-m-c found in Ubuntu 11.10 or we need to use the bzr branch? If using the bzr branch, why not bump the version in the Ubuntu archive?