In preparation for the release of Linaro 11.07 images on 2011-07-28, a suitable candidate has been selected for testing.
Please help our initiative by testing the official Linaro Evaluation Build (LEB):
* Android: http://releases.linaro.org/platform/linaro-n/android/latest/leb-panda/
* Ubuntu: http://releases.linaro.org/platform/linaro-n/ubuntu/leb-panda/latest/
Another exciting development worth sharing is the arrival of very early Linaro android builds for snowball. Our snowball builds are combining AOSP based Linaro Platform code with a landing team kernel based on a recent linux-linaro and linux-linaro-android with an androidized linux-linaro kernel with landing team goodies on top. http://releases.linaro.org/platform/linaro-n/android/latest/leb-snowball/
On top of our officially supported Linaro Evaluation Builds images above, the Linaro Platform Team is proud to also provide a set of images prepared by Linaro developers and community for specific target audience. Developers and
Community Builds images are provided on a best-effort basis and in the hope that they can be useful. Last reported known to be working images can be found below:
* Nano: http://releases.linaro.org/platform/linaro-n/nano/latest/
* ALIP: http://releases.linaro.org/platform/linaro-n/alip/latest/
* Developer: http://releases.linaro.org/platform/linaro-n/developer/latest/
* Ubuntu-desktop http://releases.linaro.org/platform/linaro-n/ubuntu-desktop/latest/
A list of all hardware packs hosted by Linaro Platform can be found below:
Please support the Developers and Community Builds images efforts by testing
and providing feedback for our builds.
As a side note, hwpacks that have an -lt- in their name are outputs from the Linaro Landing teams, using some of their components.
Similar to the spirit of the Ubuntu based Developers and Community images,
the Linaro Android Platform Team provides a set of vanilla AOSP builds that use Linaro toolchain and the Linaro mainline kernel for development boards that have good enough mainline support to run a full AOSP user
experience. Those builds are not officially supported and are provided in the hope that they might be useful.
* Android Vanilla AOSP for BeagleBoard-xM: http://releases.linaro.org/platform/linaro-n/android/latest/beaglexm/
* Android Vanilla AOSP for PandaBoard: http://releases.linaro.org/platform/linaro-n/android/latest/panda/
Make your way to the installation instructions:
https://wiki.linaro.org/Platform/Android/ImageInstallation https://wiki.linaro.org/Platform/DevPlatform/Ubuntu/ImageInstallation
For an explanation of how to test and submit your results to the QA tracker at:
For an explanation of how to use the qatracker please see:
Known Issues ============
Android: * ADB requires new userland setup w/ linux-linaro-android 3.0-2011.07 - See https://launchpad.net/bugs/807230
* No HDMI display working linux-linaro-android 3.0-2011.07 with pandaboard - See https://launchpad.net/bugs/810049
* Two bugs reported against beagle XM rev C board suggest that there are issues severly impacting the stability and potentially usefulness of Linaro Android builds for the rev C boards. - See https://launchpad.net/bugs/812098 - See https://launchpad.net/bugs/808773
Ubuntu: * Pulseaudio consumes 100% of the cpu when trying to play a sound with natty's linaro LEB and 3.0.0-1402-linaro-lt-omap - See https://launchpad.net/bugs/816638
* Only half of RAM useabe when using Devive Tree on Panda Board - See https://launchpad.net/bugs/7 https://launchpad.net/bugs/7070470https://launchpad.net/bugs/707047 7047 https://launchpad.net/bugs/707047