On 05/27/2011 01:20 PM, Alexander Sack wrote:
Hi Jim,
On Fri, May 27, 2011 at 1:06 PM, Jim Huangjim.huang@linaro.org wrote:
Hello list,
If you build Android using gcc-linaro-4.5-2011.05 [1], you will encounter a problem that bootanimation shows endless. It results from the mis-optimization in libgui, which handles the operations in Android SensorManager.
To work around this problem, you can apply the following patch:
--- a/libs/gui/Android.mk +++ b/libs/gui/Android.mk @@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := \
in channel you said that -O1 is also working ... do we need O0 here?
one idea would be to make a list of all optimizations that come for O2 and then spin builds with adding one at a time ... in that way we can narrow down things. Not sure if that would be helpful for fixing the issue.
Hi there,
I've got an android build system up and running and had a quick look into this. When using the gcc-linaro-4.5-2011.05-0 the bootanimation runs forever when compiling the libgui.so using -O[s|1|2]. For me it only works when disabling all optizations (-O0). So, I've started with -O0 and tried to bisect the various optimization switches but I didn't fail. Next I've started with -O1 and disabled all the optimizations but it didn't pass. So, this approach was a dead end. Then I realized that the build system employs some sort of a prelinker called apriori. Adding 'LOCAL_PRELINK_MODULE := false' to the makefile disables the prelink step. And the resulting ELF binary finally worked (tested with -O[s|1|2]). It would be good to understand the root cause of this because the workaround probably has drawbacks at run (load) time. Apriori gets two input files. The prelink-linux-arm.map which lists the start of the prelink addresses: libui.so 0xAB900000 # [~1M] libgui.so 0xAB800000 # [~1M] libskia.so 0xAB100000 # [~2M] and the libgui.so to be prelinked. I'd expect to see the resulting PhysAddr's somewhere nearby 0xAB800000 but this doesn't seem to be the case somehow. In order to exclude a miscompiled apriori, I've prelinked libgui using an apriori binary build with the prebuilt gcc44 - no difference. Therefore I don't think gcc is miscompiling but something went wrong whith the prelink step. But still - the android prelinking remains a mystery to me as I don't know what is supposed to be prelinked and what is actually failing. However, I think we are one step further.
Regards Ken