+ Linaro Dev mailing list
Hi Phung-Te,
I don't have Samsung Arndale Octa board on my hand, haven't started testing on it.
@Fathi, do you know anything about the u-boot source code for Arndale Octa?
Best Regards Botao Sun Hello Botao,
I am looking for the source of u-boot for arndale-octa and couldn't find it. Your u-boot git, both stable and next only have support for arndale, not arndale-octa.
I could get to the binary which worked fine: arndale-octa-saucy_server_20140323-616.img.gz
Can you please point me to the source of that build.
Thank you.
On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 2:58 PM, Botao Sun (Google Drive) < Botao.Sun@linaro.org> wrote:
I've shared an item with you. [image: Spreadsheet] Arndale Linux Linaro Test Resulthttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgB-fT5LL31CdGZJSFdTUWFFYVdhZl8wMFpxLXd2TXc&usp=sharing Google Drive: create, share, and keep all your stuff in one place. [image: Logo for Google Drive] https://drive.google.com