On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 10:36:01AM +0100, Ian Smith wrote:
The burndown chart is showing that number of work items has increased, with a number of work items completed. This is showing that the number of work items to complete is slipping further behind the trend line.
This is very worrisome to me. When this happens the response should be to manage scope immediately -- I believe this is what happened around July 20th or so, and what should happen now as well.
We discussed postponing some items to the next cycle, but I'm not sure that has been effected or not. In particular:
- arm-m-derived-archive-rebuild - arm-m-private-archive-hosting-infrastructure
For arm-m-webkit-and-browser-performance if this is just the benchmarking then this is fine but somewhat low priority as nothing apart from toolchain improvements were done this cycle. It'd be nice to have in place for next cycle, but Alexander S. and Michael H. might be better positioned to discuss this.
The key item I see as missing here is UDS scheduler work; is that being planned at all right now?
- Merged XML-RPC API and client and various fixes to them
- Got initial set of views into trunk. Currently this adds support
for browsing streams. While simple, it paves the way for more views (the task is simple and repetitive) as we support authentication, unit tests and other goodness that made it take longer.
- Got generic databrowser merged. This allows anyone to browse
everything that is in the database (so any bundles/tests that are already in can be accessed without extra effort). This will act as a temporary view layer before we can iron out what people actually want from us.
It's not clear from these items how close we are to having a dashboard and test suite demo in place -- a summary line there would be helpful.