On 27 November 2011 18:18, Woodruff, Richard r-woodruff2@ti.com wrote:
From: linaro-dev-bounces@lists.linaro.org [mailto:linaro-dev- bounces@lists.linaro.org] On Behalf Of Mans Rullgard
Do you have an erratum number for this?
This was very recent BUG and not yet made it to the public errata numbers. Most likely next PL310 errata update should have this one documented.
Do you have _any_ identifier for it?
ARM expanded errata 752271 to cover DLF not working till r3p2 in errata version 13.1 (21 Nov 11), 4460 is r3p1-50rel0 and is impacted.
Found the updated text, most annoying. It really does help performance.