On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 10:12:22PM -0500, Zach Pfeffer wrote:
stage-origen-11.09-release stage-panda-11.09-release stage-snowball-11.09-release stage-imx53-11.09-release panda-11.09-release beagle-11.09-release
Would be:
origen-staging-11.09-taupe panda-staging-11.09-mauve snowball-staging-11-burntsienna imx53-staging-11.09-orangecrush panda-11.09-crucialpink beagle-11.09-black
The main problem I see with staging is that it's simply not true in the common sense of the word staging -- it implies that what is in staging today is intended to become upstream (or "mainstream") in the future, whereas there's lots that is in the LT branches which, well, isn't.
OTOH, I really can't come up with good alternatives to 'staging' that I don't see other problems with. There was a "non-upstreamable" suggestion a while back, and I have been known to call them "dirty" ;-)