On 09/30/2010 03:27 PM, Jamie Bennett wrote:
Take a look. Is this any better? How can it be improved?
I followed the new instructions for the daily snapshots, which is basically what I used to do plus the hw-pack stuff.
I'm running the stuff on a Maverick and do the following:
sudo /home/rber/daily-snapshots/linaro-image-tools/linaro-media-create --rootfs ext3 --mmc /dev/sde --dev beagle --binary linaro-m-headless-tar-20100930-0.tar.gz --hwpack hwpack_linaro-omap3_20100930-31_armel_supported.tar.gz
and I answer always y when asked.
There are some funny errors and warnings. Please have a look what's happening in more detail here:
I'll try again after installing apt-utils and upgrading to latest and greatest Maverick packages.
Regards, Jamie.
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