Hi Koen
Am Freitag, den 07.08.2015, 10:46 +0200 schrieb Koen Kooi:
On 5 August 2015 at 12:26, Max Krummenacher max.oss.09@gmail.com wrote:
The do_fetch of gcc fails with: WARNING: Failed to fetch URL https://releases.linaro.org/15.06/components/toolchain/gcc-linaro/4.9/gcc-li...,
What happend was that 4.9-2015.06 was mistakingly promoted to 'release' instead of snapshot and removed when we realized what happened. In that process I forgot that meta-linaro had been updated to use it. The CI loop and my laptop didn't empty their source cache and hence didn't notice it was gone. It's now back on releases since that was the simplest way to fix this mess. My apologies for this and I hope this fixes the issues you have been seeing.
Thank you for looking into this and fixing it. Download works fine for me now and the resulting cross compiler is compiling my next image.
Regards Max