Forwarding to all after I realized my answer only went to Peter: That manifest entry points to the u-boot-tools package which is userland package containing mkimage so not really what you want.
Your email reminds me we need to do this better like we now do for the kernel. But that does not help you. Given the date of that hwpack I would guess that the u-boot was last months release:
Thanks for pointing this out. We will eliminate the guessing next time.
On Tue, Feb 21, 2012 at 1:14 PM, Peter Maydell wrote:
Hi. I'm trying to track down the sources that made the U-Boot and U-Boot SPL for the beagle 1201 release image: sources.txt says that's this hwpack: but the manifest.txt there: only says: u-boot-tools=2011.06-3ubuntu1
and doesn't say where I should find this version of the package.
I guessed that it might be the u-boot package 2011.06-3ubuntu1 from oneiric, but that does not seem to contain the SPL code, so I'm guessing it's the wrong one. (Also U-Boot announces itself as "U-Boot 2011.12 (Jan 22 2012 - 00:52:03)" so that manifest is clearly a load of rubbish...)
Can anybody help?
thanks in advance -- PMM