W dniu 30.05.2011 16:35, Christian Robottom Reis pisze:
Storing a default (on first use, maybe?) seems sensible:
lava-tool submit-job --farm $myfarm Storing https://mwhudson@validation.linaro.org in ~/.lava/default
You obviously meant to say:
Storing https://mwhudson@validation.linaro.org in ~/.config/lava/settings.conf
Let's not add another dot directory to ~. XDG config directories are far better for users and of no real change for developers.
lava-tool submit-job Using https://mwhudson@validation.linaro.org from ~/.lava/default
How does that look?
I like it, let's do it
Michael, would you like to do client-side auth or should I do it?
Thanks ZK