---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: David Zinman david.zinman@linaro.org Date: 14 November 2011 13:36 Subject: [REMINDER] Linaro 11.11 release dates and deliveries To: linaro-dev linaro-dev@lists.linaro.org, Proj Mgmt Mailing List linaro-project-management@lists.launchpad.net, Tech Leads techleads@linaro.org
This is a mail sent to remind you the coming release dates:
* Linaro 11.12 Toolchain WG release December , 2011. * Linaro 11.12 RC images is November 21st, 2011. * Linaro 11.12 Release images is November 21st, 2011 (due to holiday on Nov 24). * Linaro 11.12 release is UTC 16:00, November 24th, 2011.
Components release will be announced this week.
The release dates and deliveries information is available from the release dashboard: http://wiki.linaro.org/Cycles/1111/Release/Dashboard
-- David Zinman Linaro Release Manager | Project Manager Linaro.org | Open source software for ARM SoCs