SMARTT (System Metrics - Annotation Recording and Tracing Tool) is a tool to capture and display system metrics data from the system. It's mainly targeted for system metrics that are interesting for Graphics and Multimedia WG for measuring and analyzing performance of their tools/applications.
It has been designed and developed by Sudip Jain of Multimedia WG for the Linaro 11.05 cycle [1][2][3], and packaged by Kunal Goel of Developer Platform team [4].
A brief overview of the tool.
It is a distributed application where the systems metrics are gathered by smartt-server running on the target system. At present, it gathers metrics from perf (smartt-perf), top (smartt-top) and a GStreamer based media player (smartt-player). A smartt-client app connects to smartt-server to receive and display all system metrics in real-time.
It has been decided to continue to develop and maintain this tool for Linaro 11.11 cycle. So inputs are required from the intended users of this tool:
* the feature they would like to have it included in the tool * the metrics data they would like to add * design of the tool etc.
Please share your inputs and review comments on this tool.
Regards, Avik
[1] 11.05 BP: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/linaro-multimedia-wg/+spec/multimedia-linar...
[2] Spec: https://wiki.linaro.org/WorkingGroups/Middleware/Multimedia/Specs/1105/Valid...
[3] git repo: http://git.linaro.org/gitweb?p=people/sudip-jain/smartt.git%3Ba=summary
[4] Package: https://launchpad.net/~goelkunal/+archive/multimedia