On 10 December 2010 12:00, Guilherme Salgado salgado@canonical.com wrote:
Some of you may not be aware of this, but linaro-media-create is undergoing a rewrite in python[1]. This is an incremental rewrite, so right now l-m-c still is a shell script which delegates many of its tasks to python. We don't intend to change any behaviour during this rewrite but there's always the possibility that we do so accidentally, so it'd be great if you all could use the latest l-m-c from lp:linaro-image-tools (instead of the one packaged in Ubuntu) and report any regressions you find.
Ideally we ought to get automated testing set up of running l-m-c against snapshots and then booting the result under qemu. I do have a blueprint for this work but I'm afraid I haven't actually started it yet. https://blueprints.launchpad.net/qemu-linaro/+spec/qemu-continuous-integrati...
-- PMM