On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 08:12:10AM -0700, David Brown wrote:
On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 12:12:59PM +0200, Linus Walleij wrote:
Hard to tell how this works and what's available, support seems to be incomplete. Currently it seems to be wired to do either a dedicated function (like some UART pin) or GPIO, like each pin can be used for two specific things, and not phone-exchange type.
There are some pins on MSMs that can be connected to different hw blocks, we just haven't gotten the support into the kernel yet.
There are some things where two devices share pins, and you have to choose one or the other.
I believe there are also configurations where something such as the SD controller can either be configured in 8-bit data mode, or in 4-bit data mode, and those 4 pins connected to something else.
Much of the current pin configuration in our product kernel seems to be about current and pull up/down configuration.
I've added Rohit Vaswani, and Greg Bean to this thread who should have a bit better understanding of this.
The MSM pinmux system allows every pin to be independently controlled in the following ways:
- function selection: Every pin can be in GPIO mode, or connected to a specific piece of hardware. The number of choices varies by pin - some pins have only two choices, some have eight. When a pin is not in GPIO mode, it loses some configurability - for instance, its direction can no longer be set, as that's predetermined by the function selection. Pins can belong to many groups which overlap in all kinds of interesting ways - a pin may be part of this four-bit bus, or that eight-bit bus, or might stand alone for two settings...
- drive strength: Each pin can be set to have a different drive strength between 2MA and 16MA, in 2MA steps.
- pull settings: Each pin can be configured with a variety of pull settings: up, down, keeper, no pull.
Additionally, there are complexities involving delivering interrupts from GPIOs:
- 'direct-connect' or 'summary' interrupts: pins which are being used as interrupt inputs can be 'summarized' through a single interrupt (requiring an additional pile of register reads to figure out which gpio triggered the interrupt) or as a 'direct-connect' interrupt. There are very few direct-connect lines available, so most gpio interrupts are summarized.
- processor interrupt assignment: Each pin can be assigned to deliver interrupts to a different processor on the board. This pin might be assigned to the MSM, that pin might go to the DSP, the next might go to the modem, and so on...