== Progress == * Buildd-tending: Debian arm64 is at 80% built (DEVPLAT-226: 5%) http://buildd.debian-ports.org/stats/graph-quarter-big.png * NMUed 20-odd packages with arm64 fixes. (DEVPLAT-221: 20%) * NMUed fixed SCC packages: libgc, libfcgi, corosync, soprano, openais (DEVPLAT-226: 20%) * Fixed and NMUed SCC package: radvd, gtklext, policykit-1 (DEVPLAT-226: 10%) * Investigated and filed bugs for icu, keyutils (DEVPLAT-226: 5%) * Worked with upstream to fix elfutils (DEVPLAT-226: 5%) * Fixed openjdk/zookeeper missing save_sp_reg patch (DEVPLAT-219: 10%) * Updated/uploaded cross-binutils package (now in Archive) (DEVPLAT-220) (5%) * Finalised Bootstrap/crossbuild sprint for Paris/August (20%) * Extended sortblockers script to generate outofdate list: http://people.debian.org/~wookey/bootstrap/outofdatelist (2%) * Investigated crappy connection to china (losing 60% of my packets). V annoying.(10%) * Badgered ARM re hardware for arm64 port.
== Plans == * Fix/NMU remaining packages in SCC http://people.debian.org/~wookey/bootstrap/blockerlist * Investigate PDF build errors. * Mail release team about arm64 prospects
== Issues == Network conenction to china is often very flaky. Duploads fail repeatedly and intereactive use over mosh stalls a lot. Frustrating.