Hello everyone.
I'd like to announce a new version of dh_splitpackage.
This version improves documentation to a point where it's rather easy to get started and use this helper while packaging. A new manual page has been created with tool description documentation of all the command line options, configuration file schema, pattern matching extensions and many examples.
Some additional changes to the actual script made it possible to build and work on Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 LTS. An Ubuntu PPA with this script is now available at [1]. In addition to this, a launchpad project has been registered to simplify development [2]. Finally the source tarball for the release has been uploaded to pypi [3].
(a copy of the initial announcement)
I wrote dh_splitpackage, a helper script that unambiguously splits the files of a binary package into multiple packages based on a configuration file.
The configuration file may point the primary package (the one that gets leftover files by default) as well as any number of additional packages with any number of inclusion and exclusion patterns.
The new script can be called instead of dh_install (assuming all the files you are interested in are already in debian/tmp/) or afterwards.
The biggest advantage compared to existing tools is clear and not-that-error-prone classification of files to packages. Any file that would be classified to more than one package (hitting patterns in both files) is clearly reported and prevents the package from building properly. In addition running the script displays each file from debian/tmp and the package it was classified to.
Using this script could greatly simplify many packages that currently rely on numerous *.install files and custom dh_install overrides in debian/rules.
Best regards Zygmunt Krynicki
[1]: https://launchpad.net/~zkrynicki/+archive/dh-splitpackage [2]: http://launchpad.net/dh-splitpackage [3]: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/dh_splitpackage/
Am Samstag, den 04.06.2011, 20:46 +0200 schrieb Zygmunt Krynicki:
The new script can be called instead of dh_install (assuming all the files you are interested in are already in debian/tmp/) or afterwards.
I looked at the man page of dh_splitpackage and compared it to "dh_install --fail-missing". I found three differences. Please let me know if there were more.
1. dh_splitpackage complains if a file ends up in more than one binary package. Having the same file in two binary package leads to a conflict if you want to install both binary packages. IMO dh_install should do this check too.
2. dh_splitpackage put files in the primary package if no other install destination is specified. I would love to see a command line option for dh_install that does the same. For example, I want to call "dh_install --put-everything-else-in=vlc-nox" for the daily builds of vlc.
3. dh_splitpackage supports more pattern than dh_install. To name them: ** for matching all directories, [] to match as specific set of characters. I could live without that, but ** would be nice sometimes.
I think that dh_install could be improved to support all three points above.
The features of dh_splitpackage are great, but the configuration format (JSON) seems to be too complex for this use case.
W dniu 04.06.2011 21:59, Benjamin Drung pisze:
Am Samstag, den 04.06.2011, 20:46 +0200 schrieb Zygmunt Krynicki:
The new script can be called instead of dh_install (assuming all the files you are interested in are already in debian/tmp/) or afterwards.
I looked at the man page of dh_splitpackage and compared it to "dh_install --fail-missing". I found three differences. Please let me know if there were more.
There are two more differences:
1) dh_install is much more generic, dh_splitpackage cannot install files from source directory. Only from debian/tmp. This is by design to keep the same experience for developers and to focus the tool on only one thing.
2) dh_install reads multiple configuration files and is also used directly in custom deban/rules overrides. dh_splitpackage is usable in only one way, via a configuration file. The intent for this is the same as above, to simplify the developer experience. It also limits the number of configuration files that you need to create to one per source package.
- dh_splitpackage complains if a file ends up in more than one binary
package. Having the same file in two binary package leads to a conflict if you want to install both binary packages. IMO dh_install should do this check too.
- dh_splitpackage put files in the primary package if no other install
destination is specified. I would love to see a command line option for dh_install that does the same. For example, I want to call "dh_install --put-everything-else-in=vlc-nox" for the daily builds of vlc.
It only does this when explicitly requested by setting primary_package in the configuration file. By default it just silently ignores those files (silently as in not breaking the build, the build log indicates this when printing pathname classification).
I can see it would be sensible to warn the packager that primary_package was not specified and some pathnames were not classified. I'll add this to next release.
- dh_splitpackage supports more pattern than dh_install. To name them:
** for matching all directories, [] to match as specific set of characters. I could live without that, but ** would be nice sometimes.
I think that dh_install could be improved to support all three points above.
I would like to see that as well. I asked debhelper maintainer to have a look at my helper and see what we can do.
The features of dh_splitpackage are great, but the configuration format (JSON) seems to be too complex for this use case.
JSON was my initial attempt as I love it very much and is the best general-purpose tree-like format that is still very easy to work with. After looking at the examples I wrote I still like it but I see the problem it could pose to packagers.
I could augment/replace the JSON format with a simple ini-style format. Fortunately the configuration is very simple and could be mapped almost directly.
$ cat debian/splitpackage # Global configuration goes first. # Here you can set the primary package primary_package=libfoo
# Hypothetical new option that warns the packager # when files are left unclassified. Possible options: # ignore, fail. leftover_files=ignore
# Classifiers for libfoo-dev. Pick up all the header files, # libtool files, and static libraries [libfoo-dev] include=**/*.h include=**/*.la include=**/*.a # Just for demonstration, never pick any shared objects exclude=**/*.so
[libfoo] # Everything is automatically # assigned by default thanks to # primary_package in the global # section.
Best regards Zygmunt Krynicki