Key Points for wider discussion =============================== * First release of 11.09 candidate builds: * glmark2 is now part of the daily builds.
Team Highlights =============================== * Early version of LAVA integration done, feedback received. * Bug 50266 in toolchain fixed. * u-boot now uses our toolchain. * Good Progress on Panda Bluetooth enablement. * Good Progress on Panda WLAN enablement. * Busybox topped up with some more applets (vi, find, grep ...). * Progres on ADB for all boards. * Good Progress on Powertop for Android.
Miscellaneous =============================== * Frans will be on vacation 2011-09-26 to 2011-10-07. * Abhishek will be on vacation 2011-09-19 to 20.
Bugs fixed =============================== #814292, #832537