I'm pleased to announce that the migration of the Android git server from Canonical to EC2 has been successfully completed. My thanks to Milo for his significant help with this endeavour.
If you don't sign in to review.android.git.linaro.org, you can ignore the rest of this email.
***** Please read carefully! *****
As explained previously, you will need to log in with your Launchpad OpenID and then associated your identity with your Linaro Login OpenID if you want to keep the same account on the server at the end of the month when we turn off Launchpad OpenID authentication.
Here are the steps you need to take:
1. Go to https://login.linaro.org:8443/openidserver. If you are asked to log in, please enter your EMAIL ADDRESS and your Linaro Login password.
2. The web page should now display a URL of the format https://login.linaro.org:8443/openidserver/users/<your email address>. Make a note of that, please.
3. Go to http://review.android.git.linaro.org/. Sign in with your Launchpad ID. (https://launchpad.net/~<launchpad ID>)
4. When you have signed in, click on the "Settings" link in the top right corner of the web page.
5. Click on the Identities link on the left hand side of the web page.
6. Click on "Link Another Identity".
7. Enter the URL you noted from step 2 and click on "Link Identity".
8. If your web browser session from step 2 has expired, you will be asked to log in again - enter the same information you entered at step 1.
9. If your web browser session has not expired, or once you have logged in, you will see a web page with the title "OpenID Verification". On the right hand side, click on Allow Always.
The above steps only need to be done once, and needs to be done BEFORE THE END OF MAY! If you don't follow these steps by then, you will end up with a new account when you next sign in on the server.
Between now and the end of May, you will need to paste your Linaro Login OpenID URL so you may want to keep a copy of that safe somewhere. After May, we will reconfigure the server so that *only* Linaro Login OpenID is supported, and clicking on "Sign In" will automatically authenticate you with that service.
If you have any problems signing in to review.android.git.linaro.org, please send an email to its@linaro.org with as many details as possible.