Blueprint updates: ================ * smoke test is completed for cyclictest on Android. * cpu and thread features of sysbench required for scheduler testing currently. * Android port supports those two features * sysbench, cyclictests have been delivered from the Android team. * cyclictest: dropped realtime clock feature in Android, libnuma support removed from Android * ftrace raw data mode vs. txt mode: kernel shark only supports raw data mode. * By using sysbench and cyclictests we can create below listed loads and time interval of running. while running these tests we need to identify mechanism to instrument the kernel to identify and print, the cluster number and core number, duration on test on each core. this instrumentation has been planned at project level. so need to communicate with development team and identify the best tools to trace cpu, threads and time.
Roadmap Cards ============== Technical steering committee are currently reviewing the big.LITTLE MP roadmap cards: (Mobile workload generation suite) (Improving HMP Linux scheduling) (Improving Idle frameworks in Linux) (Simplifying power management
PULL request for big LITTLE MP v8 branch ==================================== * Major updates are: * Based on v3.6-rc5 * new branch from * Paulm: rcu-hotplug-v1 * vincent: scheduler-misc-v1 and sudeepk arm-multi_pmu_v1 * new version of patches from Morten: task-placement-v2 * config fragment updated for fast & slow cpu ** For more details please see: