Enclosed please find the link to the Weekly Status report for the Power Management working group for the week ending 2011-10-14
== Meeting Minutes == https://wiki.linaro.org/WorkingGroups/PowerManagement/Meetings/2011-10-12
== Weekly Status Report == https://wiki.linaro.org/WorkingGroups/PowerManagement/Status/2011-10-13
== Summary == (For details, see the Weekly Status Report and Meeting Minutes )
* Linaro Connect planning is pretty much done
* Sched_mc * started discussing sched_mc, ARM and cpufreq with Peter Z. * Investigating ILB behaviour. Face some issues with 3.0. Need to test some patches available on LKML * Investigating cpu_power update
* Thermal Management * Thermal framework is compiling and working fine, doing some more verifying before pushing it push upstream * Completed port of samsung thermal sensor to thermal framework.
https://blueprints.launchpad.net/linaro-power-kernel/+spec/thermal-framework... is implemented the wiki page will be updated next.
* Common Clock framework * Finished conversion of OMAP clock tree to new format
* cpuhotplug * New cpuhotplug test suite https://blueprints.launchpad.net/linaro-power-qa/+spec/qa-cpuhotplug is Implemented.
* cpuidle * Was able to get an i.MX6 build working well enough to run the sched_mc tests from Vincent. Ran these tests and sent Vincent the results. * Looking at the core Linux cpuidle driver changes that have been submitted recently which will affect the cpuidle work that Rob is doing.
Best regards, Mounir