Hangout audio and video is regularly broken for people which causes general aggravation for people in meetings. Could we have a 'test/corridor/watercooler/coffeemachine' hangout somewhere for people to test if it's working for them today?
Maybe there is one already?
Le 11 févr. 2014 09:18, "Wookey" a écrit :
Hangout audio and video is regularly broken for people which causes general aggravation for people in meetings. Could we have a 'test/corridor/watercooler/coffeemachine' hangout somewhere for people to test if it's working for them today?
What kind of problems do you observe? With the exception of hangout plugin that broke in debian/sid a couple of months ago (libudev problem) i don't remember seeing any issues at all (100% on linux)...
I have lots of problems with skype, though... But that's a different topic ;)
Maybe there is one already?
Principal hats: Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM
linaro-dev mailing list
On 11 February 2014 16:24, Nicolas Dechesne wrote:
Le 11 févr. 2014 09:18, "Wookey" a écrit :
Hangout audio and video is regularly broken for people which causes general aggravation for people in meetings.
What kind of problems do you observe?
I see a fair bit of "oops, my audio was misconfigured" / "forgot my headphones were on mute somehow" / "my network is so dreadful it can't sustain a connection", which isn't a Hangout problem as such but is the sort of thing you can pre-test with skype via their call-test robot. I couldn't find an equivalent Hangout-test-bot last time I looked for one.
thanks -- PMM
On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 9:35 AM, Peter Maydell wrote:
What kind of problems do you observe?
I see a fair bit of "oops, my audio was misconfigured" / "forgot my headphones were on mute somehow" / "my network is so dreadful it can't sustain a connection", which isn't a Hangout problem as such but is the sort of thing you can pre-test with skype via their call-test robot. I couldn't find an equivalent Hangout-test-bot last time I looked for one.
I generally use the 'pavucontrol' utility that come with pulseaudio, you can see each pulse client and which device it's using. there are volume meter that are enough to make sure input/output is configured properly. a bit of a poor's man solution... i haven't seen a Hangout test neither. that would be nice indeed.
+++ Nicolas Dechesne [2014-02-11 09:24 -0700]:
Le 11 f�vr. 2014 09:18, "Wookey" <[1]> a �crit :
Hangout audio and video is regularly broken for people which causes general aggravation for people in meetings. Could we have a 'test/corridor/watercooler/coffeemachine' hangout somewhere for people to test if it's working for them today?
What kind of problems do you observe? With the exception of hangout plugin that broke in debian/sid a couple of months ago (libudev problem) i don't remember seeing any issues at all (100% on linux)...
Personally I've had a lot of trouble with audio out. It's worked at maybe 75% of the meetings over the last year. It was fine last week, but this week I got no video out, no audio out (because I think it's only my camera mic that works), and chat with 20seconds lag. Trying my laptop instead, that wouldn't even connect (this was a particularly bad week!).
I regularly see other people in hangouts with broken audio either in or out, so it's not just me (and this test hangout wasn't actually my suggestion - I'm just forwaring it as it seemed like a good idea)
I have lots of problems with skype, though... But that's a different topic ;)
I'd much prefer to use SIP/XMPP over WebRTC or Jitsi or similar, but as you say that's a different topic (and to be honest, I'm not sure it'll necessarily work any better at this stage, but it would give a great deal more flexibility, and get one more annoying proprietary blob that doesn't even work very well, off my box).
On Tue, 11 Feb 2014 16:17:47 +0000 Wookey wrote:
Hangout audio and video is regularly broken for people which causes general aggravation for people in meetings. Could we have a 'test/corridor/watercooler/coffeemachine' hangout somewhere for people to test if it's working for them today?
Maybe there is one already?
In LAVA we use a combination of IRC and a daily calendar event - if anyone wants to check their setup, they can ask on IRC and use the daily standup event, except during the 15 minutes each work day when it's actually in use.
Any team could setup a similar daily / weekly event, if one doesn't exist already.
I'm using a wheezy chroot to get around problems with the plugin on unstable/testing. The only problem I get is when trying to do screenshare, my audio clips constantly.