The planned upgrade to Gerrit 2.12.2 is finished, all active Linaro servers have been upgraded. There were changes requiring action on users's side for https://android-review.linaro.org (see previous email "Regression after android-review.linaro.org upgrade to Gerrit 2.12.2").
There was second issue on https://android-review.linaro.org where a patch after clicking "Submit" was merged into the repository, but stuck in conflicting state in the web interface. This is believed to be caused by reliance on online reindexing introduced in recent Gerrit versions, which proved to be non-robust by looking at the multiple exceptions in logs. android-review.linaro.org has been reindexed in offline mode and patches verified to be processed correctly, and all following servers were upgraded in this mode.
If you spot any issues, please report them via https://servicedesk.linaro.org/servicedesk/customer/portal/4