== Progress == * arm64 Fixes for dvdauthor, gtkmathview, flactag, notify-python, fbpager uploaded (CARD-1586: 20%) * Got porterbox and 2 buildds setup (with zumbi, sledge, Andy Doan) (CARD-1586: 5%) * Uploaded cross-binutils-0.14 (DEVPLAT-220: 20%) * Uploaded cross-gcc packages into unstable for armel, armhf, arm64, + (DEVPLAT-220: 20%) * Tested and uploaded (to test repo) multiarch pkg-config, pestered maintainer (DEVPLAT-220: 20%) * Enabled crossbuild-essential packages in build-essential. Bugrepped (DEVPLAT-220: 20%) * Tested and upoaded cross-gcc-defaults to NEW, pestered FTPmasters (DEVPLAT-220: 20%)
== Plans ==
* Fix more arm64 build failures * Build within-arch crosstoolchains to break impasse
== Issues ==
Gcc maintainer has torpedoed multiarch-built cross-toolchains in Jessie. ( DebianBug: 766619)