notes and actions from our Wednesday graphics working group call are available on the wiki:
+ https://wiki.linaro.org/WorkingGroups/Middleware/Graphics/Notes/2011-02-02
Details about when and where of this meeting can be found here:
+ https://wiki.linaro.org/WorkingGroups/Middleware/Graphics#Weekly%20Public%20...
Summary =======
* Cairo GLES work progressing: one patchset accepted, one WIP patchset in review. * New version of glmark2 (11.01) uploaded to natty universe. * Investigation on qtwebkit traces ongoing. * In contact with GLEW upstream to discuss GLES support. * IRC connectivity issues for Samsung Bangalore assignees being worked on by IT department using a clean-room approach.
Action Items ============
* Everyone to report access status for git.linaro.org. * Jesse to ensure that we have valid conference call numbers for all members of the gfx WG (in progress). * Jesse to keep track of nux licensing issues. * Everyone to send Jesse a list of the licenses of the projects they are working on (both new and existing).