We're currently at 80% usage of the filesystem for builds and may hit issues later. So, with 11.06 release out, I'd like to ask anyone who's using https://android-build.linaro.org to go and over your jobs and/or specific builds in them and remove anything old and unneeded.
To do so, go https://android-build.linaro.org/ , select "My Builds" tab, open unneeded jobs and click "Delete...".
I'm also going to enforce garbage-collection settings for all personal jobs at keep max 30 days or latest 5 builds (well, I'll start with 10 builds, but if we'll hit 90% space usage, that will need to be tightened). (Official builds remain at 90days/last 100 builds.)
If you have specific builds which you'd like to keep longer for some reason/not be subject of automatic deletion, please explicitly mark these as "Keep this build forever":
1. Log in to Jenkins at https://android-build.linaro.org/jenkins/ 2. Open job, then the build in question. 3. Click "Keep this build forever" button in the top right corner. 4. For each such build, it would be nice if you provided reason/description: on build's page (not on job's page), click "add description" in the top right corner and write short description.
Example of the above can be seen at https://android-build.linaro.org/jenkins/job/linaro-android_leb-panda/ , where #99 is marked as last build with kernel 2.6.35 and #100 as first with 2.6.38.
Please let me know if there're any suggestions and thanks for cooperation.