After working on generating a bug report web page for our arm-porting-queue effort (mostly my wife actually), I decided to create a similar bug report web page to make the life easier for people managing the bugs affecting the Linaro Ubuntu project.
The link: http://people.linaro.org/~rsalveti/linaro-ubuntu-bugs/linaro-ubuntu-bugs-rep...
There you can easily find all the bugs that are currently opened against the 'linaro-ubuntu' project, and also check which ones are related with a Landing Team (or Igloo Community for ST-E).
Besides being able to easily sort any column, you can also find the test cases tags that are produced when executing our release tests. For people wanting to understand better the test tags, and which test cases we're maintaining, please check at https://wiki.linaro.org/Platform/QA/TestCases/Ubuntu (mostly manual atm, but we're working on porting them to LAVA asap).
For the LT projects, please also make sure you open a bug task ("also affects project" at Launchpad) against 'linaro-ubuntu' if it's related with our Ubuntu LEB images in any sort. That way we can also have your bug at our radar.