The notes and actions for this weeks Android Platform Team meeting along with team activity reports are now available at:
= Actions Recorded = * asac to invite TI to Android weekly meeting * asac to chase TI on the mm bits * jim to create a the panda-gfx-integration-initial blueprint * Team to review what they are working on and document what isn't approved/doesn't have a Blueprint/is not targeted to discuss in next weeks meeting * patrikryd to try to push generic hook patch to upstream and see what happens * jserv-- to send email to android-platform telling folks about our toolchain package!! (marketing) and pointing out the build failures we get in platform and asking whether they want contributions to fix them properly * patrikryd to fill out summary on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/linaro-android/+spec/linaro-android-platfor... * patrikryd to fix work item syntax on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/linaro-android/+spec/linaro-android-platfor... * asac and JamieBennett to talk to james_w about keeping android blueprints on android team radar * jeremy to add a more verbose summary to linaro-android-benchmark-suite-integration-into-lava and poke asac/jamie for approving * luse to fix work items and get linaro-android-toolchain-benchmark to approved state * luse/jserv-- to draft a new blueprint that is about integrating the google benchmarks itself .... this blueprint would come before linaro-android-toolchain-benchmark * asac to think about validation meta blueprint and what to do with that with jamie and jeremychang * jserv-- to fix linaro-android-toolchain-ndk WI syntax * patrik to add l-m-c update WI to boottarball spec and assgn that WI to jeremy; also add verification WI owned by him to test the complete "solution" * JamieBennett get the bug bot in here finally * JamieBennett to hunt down infrastructure projects and ensure they are properly covered by android team including bug driver powers etc. * patrikryd to sort out href8500 build situation
Regards, Jamie. -- Linaro Release Manager | Platform Project Manager